mardi 29 avril 2014
dimanche 27 avril 2014
Waiting for web 3.0
Waiting for web 3.0
We all know that the first release of a software is to avoid. Few or bugged functionalities. Only usable by early adopters.
The second one is better, but still need some maturation.
The third one, is obviously the mature one and a good basis for future releases.
So wait for Web 3.0...
samedi 26 avril 2014
mardi 22 avril 2014
Apple is going green and claim it
Some months (years?) ago, Apple was bashed due to the use of non environmental safe components in their device. It seems that this time has changed and that now, Apple is putting its ecological policy as a strong selling point.
First with a little anecdotic green leave for the well-known apple logo as a reference to the earth day (today) but also by many other initiatives:
- A clear reference to Samsung in commercial ads with the slogan "There are some things we want every company to copy" promoting green energy by showing solar panels,
- A Tim Cook's video about Apple's efforts for environment (see video on YouTube),
- An article on Lisa Jackson on Wired (see article on Wired),
- A selection of ecological apps on AppStore.
Clearly, Apple took some measures to avoid a new ecological bashing and make it become a commercial advantage in the future.
A good news for the planet, obviously...
samedi 19 avril 2014
Grams, le frère jumeau obscur de Google
Pour toutes les personnes à la recherche d'un produit licite, il y a Google. Et pour les autres, il y'a Grams...
Avec un look & feel en tout point ressemblant à Google, Grams propose de manière à l'utilisateur l'accès à des produits illicites (drogues, armes, faux papiers... - ça y est je suis repéré par la NSA) en toute discrétion.
Là ou l'affaire prend toute sa saveur, c'est que la condition sine qua non pour acceder à Grams est de passer par le réseau TOR (The Onion Ring) dont l'objectif est de transmettre de façon anonyme les flux internet.
Or ce réseau alternatif est financé pour 3/5ème par le gouvernement américain, pour 1/5ème par des bénévoles et pour le reste par des fondations et donateurs divers dont... Google.
Je me fais alors la reflexion suivante : en creant Internet, l'homme a donné vie à un monde parallèle, virtuel mais néanmoins en interaction avec son réel. Avait-il alors conscience que l'Abel ainsi engendré aurait un jour son Caïn? Que nous réserve ce "Shadow Internet" dont les buts libertaires éminemment louables permettent d'engendrer de tels dérives?
jeudi 17 avril 2014
lundi 14 avril 2014
The Holy Grail: How to develop seamlessly in the cloud | VentureBeat |Cloud | by Jay Simons
In this article, the author provide very concrete information to build quickly and for an affordable price a complete development (and running) platform. Quite interesting as soon as you see cloud as the future toolset for development team.
In this article, the author provide very concrete information to build quickly and for an affordable price a complete development (and running) platform. Quite interesting as soon as you see cloud as the future toolset for development team.
I would have added Microsoft Azure to the panel of solutions presented here.
Journalist: I was assaulted on street for wearing Google Glass - fromCNET
What surprise me in such a case is not the violence of the reaction itself, but the fact that it seems people are going mad about technology progress.
What surprise me in such a case is not the violence of the reaction itself, but the fact that it seems people are going mad about technology progress.
As if it was too much for them now to stand it. Nevertheless, I see it only as the next step of the last decades technological advance.
Google Patents Tiny Cameras Embedded In Contact Lenses from TechCrunch
This is the natural next step after Google glass : contact lenses. When you see how violent may be the reactions of some people in front of Google glass wearer, you may imagine that this would be obviously a more discrete way to capture videos.
This is the natural next step after Google glass : contact lenses. When you see how violent may be the reactions of some people in front of Google glass wearer, you may imagine that this would be obviously a more discrete way to capture videos.
Such a thing also confirm Google's interest for health stuff by the way.
RSLN Mag : Un jeu pour retrouver l'agilité après un AVC
A tout ceux qui ont un proche qui a connu ce type d'accident, une initiative plus qu'intéressante à suivre…
dimanche 13 avril 2014
Androïd 4.1.1 affected by Heartbleed...
So if you have such an OS on your device, you may wish to upgrade to a newer version. Would it be sufficient?
No, it won't.
Google has issued a fix, and it is now up to its partners to implement it. In the meantime, if you want to check your device, Lookout issued a specific app for this : Heart Bleed Detector
So, now you know...
No, it won't.
Google has issued a fix, and it is now up to its partners to implement it. In the meantime, if you want to check your device, Lookout issued a specific app for this : Heart Bleed Detector
So, now you know...
samedi 12 avril 2014
vendredi 11 avril 2014
Google Glass : elles seront mises en vente le 15 avril aux Etats-Unis
C'est une nouvelle façon de gérer la pénurie permettant également au consommateur final de toucher du doigt le produit de demain... Et donc d'obtenir un retour d'expérience pertinent.
C'est une nouvelle façon de gérer la pénurie permettant également au consommateur final de toucher du doigt le produit de demain... Et donc d'obtenir un retour d'expérience pertinent.
Reste une question : quelles sont les applications disponibles sur ces Google glass pour le tout un chacun? Si elles s'avèrent limitées, le retour pourrait en être défavorable.
jeudi 10 avril 2014
Security Update
Did you receive such articles from your internet services provider? I did from IFTTT and it confirmed to me that they are a very serious team
Put the internet to work for you.
Hello champommier,
A major vulnerability in the technology that powers encryption across much of the internet was discovered this week. Like many other teams, we took immediate action to patch the vulnerability in our infrastructure.
IFTTT is no longer vulnerable.
Though we have no evidence of malicious behavior, we've taken the extra precaution of logging you out of IFTTT on the web and mobile. We encourage you to change your password not only on IFTTT, but everywhere, as many of the services you love were affected.
If you have any questions or concerns, please email
—The IFTTT Team
For more information on this vulnerability, also known as "Heartbleed," visit:![]()
mercredi 9 avril 2014
Android présent sur un appareil informatique sur deux vendu dans le monde d’ici 2015
Pas de nouvelle de Windows sur cet article. C'est sans doute un oubli et il ne faudrait sans doute pas négliger cette acteur qui pourrait freiner l'ascension d'Androïd.
Pas de nouvelle de Windows sur cet article. C'est sans doute un oubli et il ne faudrait sans doute pas négliger cette acteur qui pourrait freiner l'ascension d'Androïd.
Infographie : les tendances mobiles
Un bon résumé des usages mobiles en quelques chiffres.
Un bon résumé des usages mobiles en quelques chiffres.
Particulièrement intéressant: celui concernant les temps d'attente des utilisateurs face au sites web mobiles.
mardi 8 avril 2014
Virus Shield... Disponible sur le play store et totalement inutile...
Via ZDNet :Virus Shield en tête du Google Play Store
Il serait intéressant de savoir si une telle application pourrait passer entre les fourches caudines d'Apple...
Il serait intéressant de savoir si une telle application pourrait passer entre les fourches caudines d'Apple...
vendredi 4 avril 2014
Faut-il continuer à utiliser powerpoint ?
Via YouTube Faut-il continuer à utiliser powerpoint ?
Voilà une bonne question...
Voilà une bonne question...
IFTTT app update brings support for push notifications, new iPad version
Via 9t5Mac : IFTTT app update brings support for push notifications, new iPad version.
I already write about IFTTT (for If This Then That) service that I find awesome. This is a new way to use it through what is called "recipes", and I am sure it will get user addiction.
I already write about IFTTT (for If This Then That) service that I find awesome. This is a new way to use it through what is called "recipes", and I am sure it will get user addiction.
mercredi 2 avril 2014
Apple updates iWork for Mac and iOS with read-only sharing modes and much more
Via 9to5mac : Apple updates iWork for Mac and iOS with read-only sharing modes and much more
After Microsoft announce of Office availability on iPad, Apple answered quickly...
After Microsoft announce of Office availability on iPad, Apple answered quickly...
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